M3D-C1 Weekly Meeting Minutes
10_13_23 Cesar's vgs from SPARC VDE discussion
10_13_23 S. Jardin's vgs from SPARC VDE discussion
09_11_23 single-precision preconditioner, INTEL-O3 at MIT, 2D VDE MUMPS vs SLU
Cesar_08_19_23 Comparison of SPARC INTEL and GCC compilers
Jin_08_07_23 Tests of Single Precision in the Pre-conditioners
07_31_23 MIT Computer problem, 2D RE, TRANSP geqdsk problem, Helical Coil with ijadv=0,1
07_10_23 MIT Computer, D_I and D_R, resolution for itor=0 qsolver
06_26_23 More on DTM in NSTX, DTM with analytic q, problem with basicq (itor=0), Resistive Interchangey
06_05_23 Perlmutter_cpu progress, More on DTM in NSTX
05_22_23 Perlmutter_cpu progress, DTM in NSTX
05_01_23 IDL bug, perlmutter_cpu, bf vs bfp problem, applying BC at infinity
RPI RPI Update on adaptation (with R and Z error estimators)
04_25_23 Notes on toroidal solve for pressure equ
04_17_23 perlmutter_cpu, bf vs bfp problem
RPI RPI Update on adaptation
04_03_23 M3DC1 Scaling and PC error
LBL LBL Update
03_13_23 Preconditioner discussion
02_27_23 New adaptation tool, Dingyun bug tracking, infernal mode insight, DREKAR
02_06_23 Focus on BGMG
LBL LBL Update
01_30_23 BMG update (including stellarator) infernal modes comp with GATO
BMG Jin Chen on BMG
12_19_22 2023 NERSC allocation, comparison with GATO, corrected infernal modes in R/a=4 Eq.
12_05_22 perlmutter options, BMG update, infernal modes in R/a=4 Eq.
LBL LBL Update
11_21_22 more results on infernal modes in NSTX
Jin Chen Block Multigrid preconditioner
10_03_22 perlmutter_cpu,doc updates, attempt to reproduce 2018 sawtooth run
LBL LBL Updates..scaling studies on cori-Haswell, issues with Perlmutter_cpu
RPI-1 M3DC1 SPR-Based adapt
RPI-2 Constructing M3DC1 Meshes
08_29_22 regression test errors on Perlmutter_cpu, ITER L-Mode
08_01_22 SUBPC errors on Perlmutter_cpu
S. Williams_08_01_22 LBL Report
07_11_22 m3dc1_meshgen generalization, polar_meshgen, SUBPC error on Perlmutter_cpu
S. Williams_07_11_22 LBL Report
06_20_22 new Latex Documentation, SUBPC error on Perlmutter_cpu, 1D Hermite, 2F input
S. Jardin_06_20_22 Harned_Mikic terms
06_06_22 perlmutter_cpu, PRL on temperature flattening
Sherry Li_06_06_22 Updated SuperLU_dist documentation
Chang Liu_06_06_22 Fishbone modes in DIII-D
05_09_22 scorec build, cori timing tests, bateman scaling utility
04_25_22 Linear MHD GIT, NERSC time, JSOLVER
Strauss_04_25_22 Rotational stabilizaiton of RWTM
04_11_22 Adapt update, fixes to cori, perlmutter, JSOLVER, ITER VDE
LBL_04_11_22 LBL Report
03_28_22 switch documentation to LaTeX, Chinese paper, cori_Haswell bug
03_14_22 adapt update, oom on cori, q-diagnostic question, SBL update, RWTM update
03_14_22 Strauss updated 1presentation on RWTM in DIII-D and JET
02_28_22 new collapase and split.smb, numerical instability at large kappar, SBL update, RWTM
02_28_22 Strauss presentation on RWTM in DIII-D and JET
02_07_22 Travers GPU, Timing Tests, kappari_fac, more on SBL
LBL_02_07_22 LBL Report
Chang_Liu Thermal ion kinetic Simulation
01_24_22 2D ITER w pellet, 3D DIII w RE and Neon Pellet, Predictive SBL
01_22_22 Lyons presentation at Disruption Mitigation Meeting
01_10_22 Comparison of Soft Beta Limit results with experiment
01_07_22 Presentation to NSTX on Soft Beta Limit Calculations
12_20_21 Perlmutter, NERSC allocation, license, 2F, SBL convergence
12_06_21 Hermite multigrid, More (strange) adapt results, draft license, helical coil update, SBL convergence
11_29_21 Adapt results, license discussion, SBL with batemanscale, EAST update
11_15_21 Corrected Fortran Error, update on SBL, Update on ST (W. Fox), 3D impurity injection with RE
Hank Strauss Resistive Wall Mode in a Periodic Cylinder
11_01_21 Failed regression tests, Fortran error in ST=1 version, Globus summary, Mesh Refinement for S=10^8 SBL, Update on EAST
Sam Williams LBL Updates
Jin Chen On the need for efficient and scalable solvers for ill-conditioned sparse matrix equations
10_18_21 RPI potential plans, q-profiles on EAST, Pellet toroidal distribution, Adaptation example to allow 10^8, Pellet with RE
10_04_21 New Adapt_by_field, instability fixed, need 5 year plan
S. Williams LBL update and questions answered
09_27_21 New Adapt_by_field, viscosity to inoslip_pol=2, instability with new code version,test of ikappaparfunc=1
B. Lyons M3D-C1 with Corrected Poloidal Flow
09_20_21 New Mesh request, adapt and RMP_nonlinear fail, M3D-C1/LP update, Yao to work on EAST (1,1), Poloidal Vel BC, DIII Pellet run goes unstable
D.Shiraki Experimental Summary: Neon Pellet Ablation Measurements (from 3/18/21)
Chang Liu Instructions for Traverse GPU version
09_13_21 adapt reg test fails, hdf5 chunk size fix,mesh request, kappa_par request,LP status,1/1 mode with neg VL on EAST, Pol Vel BC
Roman Samulyak LP simulations using input from M3D-C1
Cesar Clauser M3D-C1 EPI modelling NSTX-U #203679@705ms
Brendan Lyons Effect of M3D-C1 Boundary Conditions on Flow
08_23_21 Failed RWM_nonlin & ADAPT regression tests,GPU matrix assembly plan, 3 issues in M3D-C1/NIMROD benchmark
Chang_Liu Proposal of a new method for matrix element calculation in M3D-C1 with GPU optimization
08_09_21 Energy conservation for ipres=0,1 itemp=0,1; RW modes update, ST with 50% runaways
Chang_Liu Progress on optimizing the matrix assembling on GPUs
08_02_21 U-solves on GPU, intel-mpi,current density, stellar QOS, iconst_bz, TM w RW
Hank_Strauss Resistive Wall Tearing Mode in a periodic cylinder
07_26_21 INTEL-MPI on Stellar, RE current plateau with sources, M3D-C1-K, TSDW Gaps
07_12_21 IAEA NF issue, timing on stellar, intel-mpi results, itor=0 and itor=1, magnetic boundary conditions
06_28_21 Pustovitov, ITER sideways force with high resis, Porcelli, iconst_bz, pellets w RA
06_21_21 GPU Matrix assembly, DIII-D RWTM, DIII-D177028, update on ITER 2D SPI
06_14_21 Tearing Modes, DIII-D RWTM, DIII-D177028, update on ITER 2D SPI
Chang Liu GPU Hackathon summary
06_07_21 bug fix with "calculate_ablation"
Brendan Lyons Progress on M3D-C1 Disruption Mitigation Modeling
06_01_21 Stellar range of solve times, Strauss RWM, irreducable results on 2D ITER SPI
05_17_21 Stellar range of solve times, Bardsley JET SPI,DIIID 177053, DIIID 178665, 2D ITER SPI (Lyons)
05_03_21 Summary of SuperLU_dist on GPU
04_26_21 timing log on stellar, Lyons: update te in KPRAD subcycle, Wingen Paper, RE w sources plan
Chang Liu Current coupling scheme for EP
04_19_21 Perlmutter Early User, ELM triggering, Resistive Kink with RE, ITER VDE in more resistive vessel
Hank Strauss Effect of Resistive Wall on Thermal Quench
Roman Samulyak SBU Update on Coupling of Lagrangian Parrticle and M3D-C1 Codes for Pellet Simulation
04_05_21 more on GS glitch, RE with sources, JET SPI fix with idenmfunc=1
TOMMS Tokamak Modeling and Meshing Software
SimModeler SimModeler 6.0
Yao Zhou Update on M3D-C1-S
Chang Liu Quasilinear simulation of Alfven mode excitation by energetic particles
03_29_21 more on GSequation glitch,RE JOREK benchmark & DIII, JET SPI Glitches
03_15_21 stellar timings,GSequation glitch,,RE discharge termination by MHD, helical band, JOREK benchmark
03_01_21 stellar available,RE characteristic method, helical band, JOREK benchmark
02_22_21 32/16 plane mgi comparison, helical band, JOREK benchmark, NSTX 1224040
Brendan Lyons NSTX small pellet ablation modeling: 2D vs 3D
02_15_21 Initial stellar info, (1,2) helical band, 16p vs 32p on 3D benchmark
02_08_21 O. Bardsley SPI run, larger viscosity in sawtooth with RE, more on helical band, 16p vs 8p on 3D benchmark, scream meeting
02_01_21 status of stellar, instability in sawtooth with RE, more on helical band w potential, 16p vs 8p on 3D benchmark
01_25_21 ITPA & MPPC Meetings, RMP_nonlin regression test failed, knock-on, helical band
01_19_21 denm and hyper scan for 3D benchmark, helical band, DIII-D 177053, sawtoothing with runaways (crashed)
01_04_21 plotting terms in temp Eq., 3D M3D-C1/NIMROD mitigation benchmark, RE in 2D cylinder with sources
Nan Ding Results of SuperLU on several GPUs for different matrices
Brendan Lyons Comparison of results with/without large denm
12_14_20 GPU solve timings,JOREK zoom summary, resistivity fix for helical band,Wei Zhang paper,Wingen calculation
Cesar Clauser w update on NSTX-U 3D - Pellet injection studies
12_07_20 JRT Report, 177040 w RE, Radiation glitches
11_23_20 imp_hyper bug report, mesh adaptation,viscosity, revised SCREAM proposal
Cesar Clauser TQ scan and safety factor evolution during cold and hot ITER VDEs
ChangLiu Discussion on resistive kink mode simulation with RE for DIII-D disruptions
Samulyak SBU Update on Coupling of Lagrangian Particle and M3D-C1 Codes for Pellet Simulation
11_16_20 proposal for reading pellet, qsolver, SCREAM proposal, ST w RE, NSTX 1224020
11_02_20 bf -> bfp change, sem-implicit proposal, numvar=1 improvement, (6,6) mode in sawtoothing discharge
10_26_20 more on grad-B drift, Sawtoothing discharge with RE
Jin Chen M3D-C1 skeleton code with OpenACC on CGPU
Chang Liu Explicit method for solving Alfven wave in M3D-C1
Brendan Lyons M3D-C1 Postprocessing for LP Ablation Code
10_19_20 nplanes problem fixed, f --> fp Phase 1 done, Grad-B question
Mark Shephard Comments on GPUs
Chen_Zhao Runaways with sources and Runaways with sawteeth
10_12_20 GPU solves, restarting with more planes, trouble with fp solve, data transfer in coupled M3DC1/LP run, DIII-D shot 177053 w Argon
10_05_20 Problem with adapt on centos7, NSTX shot 134020
Chen_Zhao Runaways with sources with new resistivity term
09_28_20 discontinuous resistivity,error in derived quantities, replace f w df/d(phi), new API for mesh adaptation
09_21_20 adapt regression tests, update on DIII-D shot 177040, 177053
Clauser Update on Simulation of Boozer Cold VDE theory
C.Liu Discussion on doing matrix element calculation on GPU for M3D-C1
09_14_20 M3D-C1 coupling to KORC, DIII-D shot 177040, DIII-D shot 177053
Clauser Simulation of Boozer Cold VDE theory
08_31_20 GPU solves, GS equation w runaways, RE with sources, M3D-C1K chirping
08_24_20 NUG Summary, Conservation Laws
08_10_20C. Collins summary, new Boozer paper, DIII-D Simulation for KORC
08_03_20 Initial results for DIII-D shot 177040, ikprad_te_offset
07_27_20 Plans for modeling DIII-D RE exps, Boozer VDE ref, consistent use of eta_te_offset
07_20_20 Status of ITER Disruption Simulation
Yao_07_20_20 gmres error patterns along MPI boundaries
1D_RE Notes on 1D Runaways wiht sources
07_13_20 1D RE source, summary slide for Disruption Workshop
Ferraro_07_06_20 New Software Engineering Practices
JChen_07_06_20 Timing tests on new Perseus nodes
Chen_07_06_20 Progress on modeling runaways with sources
06_29_20 KPRAD timing, ITER VDE with new structure, RE current profiles w sources
06_22_20 nskip example, KPRAD bug workaround,
06_15_20 new Computer Plans, Runaways with sources, M3D-C1/KORC coupling for NSTX
Cesar_06-15-20 Error in Temperataure plot diagnostic
06_08_20 new JET VDE plots (from Strauss data), M3D-C1/KORC coupling
Cesar_06_08_20 2D VDE with new structure and halo
strauss_06_08_20 New JET VDE vgs
06_01_20new temperature plots, iupstream,3D ITER VDE, RE sources
Lyons_ 06_01_20 ipellet=14,Changing # of harmonics at restart
Strauss_06_01_20 JET VDE
05_18_20 updated 3D VDE benchmark forces, TF diffusion, RE with sources
04_20_20 Error found in force calculation
04_13_20 3D VDE benchmark: comparison of growth rates
Last modified on March 4 2024.